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Confidential Information means confidential technical, commercial or information of the Disclosing Party (whether oral, written or pictorial) of, or relating directly to the Project but does not include information which:

(i) was in the public domain, or in the Recipient possession prior to the date of this agreement;

(ii) comes into the public domain after the date of this agreement;

(iii) is supplied to the Recipient by another party who is under no obligation of confidence to the Disclosing Party.



1. The Recipient (Explortunity Pty Ltd) acknowledges that the Confidential Information provided or conveyed to it concerning the Project is made available by the Disclosing Party for the purpose of considering, advising on, executing and/or evaluating the Project.


2. The Recipient undertakes that it will not use the Confidential Information so provided for any other purpose than as stated in Clause 1 above without the consent of the Disclosing Party.


3. The Recipient undertakes that it will not disclose the Confidential Information provided to any other party, nor publish, use, reproduce or copy the Confidential Information, or allow it to be published, used, reproduced or copied by any other party without the prior consent of the Disclosing Party except:


(i) as necessary for the the purpose outlined in Clause 1;

(ii) as required by law;

(iii) as permitted by the Disclosing Party.


4. The Recipient undertakes to maintain security measures to protect the Confidential Information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure.


5. The Recipient endeavours to ensure other parties to which the Confidential Information is provided by the Recipient will not use the Confidential Information so provided for any other purpose than as stated in Clause 1 above without the consent of the Disclosing Party.


6. On the request of the Disclosing Party the Recipient undertakes to deliver up all the Confidential Information provided by the Disclosing Party with 14 days.

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